Sunday, May 29, 2011

Final Exam Blog Section

1. The project that I think I have learned the most from and grown and deveolped from would be the painting on the canvas where we had to take three different pictures and combine them into one and then paint it. It helped me experiment with mixing with the three primary colors, red, yellow, and blue, and showed me that I can make any color I want to just by using those three colors. Also with the help of white or black. With this one art project it has taught me the most cause I learned new techniques for creating more life like objects like water, trees, and clouds. I even learned about tint, shade, monochromatic colors, and analogous colors.

2. The project that I found most relevant towards me would be the photoshop project. My father is a graphic designer and when I was little I would go to his work and watch him while playing in his office. He used photoshop a lot and I was always curious how the program worked but never asked how to use it. I was amazed at all of the artwork he could make with using photoshop and how photoshop can transform something to make something completly new. I finally got the oppertunity to learn about photoshop and use the program a little bit and i found it very confusing at first but it was also very cool to use and experience first hand at all of the things you can do.

3. The project that I think had the least value was the hand project where we had to plaster our hand and turn it into an animal. I prefer drawing and painting rather than sculpture and clay. I didn't like how the project didn't seem to have a lot of depth or purpose to it for me. Also I don't like group projects and in this project we had to have another person plaster our hand. I like doing art on my own because it is my way of expressing myself and my thoughts in my own way and if someone doesn't like my idea or my art then its not my problem because it turned out how I wanted it to be and how I like it. I like with I learn something or have more room for my creative input. For example, the painting on canvas project I got to mix my own colors and experiment with colors and I got to create every aspect of the painting.

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