Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Localized Perspective

Once this project was complete it looked really cool but it took awhile and a lot of tape and paper. It was difficult when we would leave one day and then come back to work on it more the next day and either the tape had been taken down or the tape that we put on the floor to know where weare suppose to stand was gone. We also had to look at the picture at the same view every time so when it was complete all of the lines matched so the picture looked like the actual picture so we had to make sure that the same person every time was giving directions to the other group members on where to place the tape on the wall to make the outline. When we finished the outline we then went back over and filled in the outlines with black paper.

Forced Perspective

In art class we had to go around school and take pictures of forced perspective art. It was a challenge because the person that was taking the picture had to direct the people posing and we had to make sure that it was exact or it wouldn't look realistic. Doing forced perspective art it made me think outsde of the box and look at the surrounding area of what is usually my school and change it into being a canvas for potential art.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Pastel Drawing

I had a really hard time making this drawing because I had to use oil pastels, which I have never used before, only chalk pastels. It took me awhile to get the shading right on his face because the picture didn't seem to have a really noticable light spot and dark spot except around his eyes, which were dark. Thankfully, when I was using oil pastels I could go back over and add more light or dark colors and then blend it to make it look even and show more defined facial features. If I was to draw it with pencil then Iwould have to be doing a lot of eracing but with the oil pastels you could just kind of go with whatever mark you make on the paper and it could actually help the piece. Overall I did enjoy working with the oil pastels even though it took a lot of patience.


I liked how my stencil of my giraffe turned out but after I spray painted it and took off the stencil I saw that on the left side of the giraffe wasn't as sharp becuase I didn't realize that when I was spray painting the paper started to lift up so the paint started to look faded. Once I finished spray painting I went back and painted the frame black so the giraffe would stand out becuase if I made it any other color it would have distracted the eye away from the giraffe. With this artwork you have to stand back and look at it to see what it is a picture of. Overall I like how my artwork turned out.